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I'm Robert Dawson Keith Guerra Sr. Yes I know it's a really long name, but that's what happens when you have an American, Mexican, Scott Irish, Jewish, and Apache heritage. And I'm sure there's more there if I care to look.I started out in a photography class at the age of 14 in Junior High School. Learning the basics of black and white photography and film (yes I'm that old) ;-) set me into the direction of becoming a Dallas photographer.

By the time I was in my early 20's I was photographing family portraits and photographing some weddings. Learning how to bring my clients to a place where I could capture that moment in their time, that would be cherised for years to come. Dabbling into the new frontier of personal computers also expanded my creativity.Into my mid 30's I began to photograph musicians and artist. Striving to "click" that precise moment that would freeze their passionate artform. Corporate events began to surface as I began to market myself to various media, TV, and radio stations. I also began to work with various graphic programs as they were developing. Now in my 50's I am very proud to say that I'm a well rounded Dallas photographer that is capable of photographing a wide range of subjects and assignments, from weddings to quinceañeras to bar mitzvahs. Yes I know it's a very long name, just found out there may be some French there also!

Thanks so much,


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© RG Productions Photography Video - 972-207-9414

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